Friday, November 6, 2009

Porstmouth Fire Dept comes to Preschool!

Today the Porstmouth Fire Department came out to West Side Christian Church for the kids to learn about fire safety. They visited the school yesterday as well, so fortunately, it was a small group of kids today. Bryce and I arrived at school at 10, when the firefighters were supposed to be there. There ended up being abig mix up, so they were late. In the meantime, the kids were allowed to play on the playground. Parker showed Bryce around, and helped him on the playgroung and they had a blast. The kids were so excited when the firetruck showed up! They all sat quietly and watched the firefighters while they tried on their special fire proof gear. They were all given a chance to ring the bell on the front of the truck, and to sit in the truck as well. Bryce loves firetrucks too, but for some reason cries when you get him close to it, so we watched from a few feet away :) Check out the class picture and see if you can tell who is missing, haha!

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